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ERC070 - David Oistrakh plays Encores accompanied by Vladimir Yampolsky

David Oistrakh was born in the Ukrainian city of Odessa in 1908 (then part of the Russian Empire). He began studying the violin and viola at the tender age of five and performed his debut concert when he was just six years old. 

Becoming a legend in his own lifetime and famously performing for soldiers on the frontline of Nazi occupied Soviet Union during WWII, even while under fire; Oistrakh‘s experiences no doubt contributed to the extraordinary depth of haunting brilliance in his work.

These “Encores” are a vibrant collection of classics and crowd pleasers full of spine-tingling grandeur guaranteed to enrapture.

This early stereo repertoire was recorded in 1960 and has been remastered courtesy of our unique, modified all valve 1968 Lyrec Ortofon cutting system. Artwork including photography has been fully letter-pressed.

300 copies are available for sale, priced at £350.00 GBP pounds.

ERC sleeve on print (first colour pass)

ERC sleeve on print (red colour pass)

Fully printed ERC front sleeve.

Rear sleeve on press.

Rear sleeve on press (detail).

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The Electric Recording Company
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